วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Resume Length - How Many Pages?

One of the most common questions I am asked to address is whether a candidate, according to a specific position should seek their career information confined to the room to hold a page. While it seems fairly obvious that with five or fewer years of experience in working at all possible things to a single page, what should the players do with much zest or highly compressed technical background to keep?

In the first half of the decade, a veryplace concrete movement, where people were often asked to construct a unilateral resumption does not matter how much experience they have gained or skills acquired. This was for the HR department, who had become accustomed to search for keywords or simply browse to your heart's desire is not past Page 1 fantastic. But soon it became clear that many people their information from profiles, provided a thorough and comprehensive review were omitted on their trueSkills, often to their detriment. Based on the many applications I read every day there can be no question that things have shifted back to longer abstracts. Nevertheless, it seems quite clear preferred number resulting page, all candidates should be considered.

Many hiring managers have told me that they trouble reading a little more than two pages - you should be in mind, no matter how much experience you have been able to keep. The vast majority of theseIndividuals feel that, if not a potential contributor can combine their skills in this much space, they may have difficulty running on an optimum level in their organization. This perception can surely have little merit, but nevertheless, that there is a very popular fashion and must be taken into account in the formulation process.

Areas to consider changes to keep things precise:

Font size - 12 point is more thansufficient.
Corporate logos, grows great distances in italics, and ornate text boxes can be attractive, but it will focus on a point to content that show why you should be terminated.
Keep bulleted statements to a minimum and use only those that truly emphasize your ability to successfully fill the position and help the company to generate revenue and growth.
Results, which are explained in a compact form, are much more important than softball league affiliations or wreckDiving acumen. Eliminate all personal items that may seem unnecessary.

Will look Numerous studies have shown that the typical employer is less than 30 seconds on each resume they read. Make sure you make the most of this time and quickly grab their attention with high performance, proven leadership qualities and, where appropriate technical certifications and knowledge. It is a simple way to keep a copy of that check 6-page behemoth in the rare case that a person wants, toit.

Related : ทำบุญวันเกิด meaganafranklin.blogspot.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Indiscipline Among the Students

The lack of discipline among the students is on the rise. This is a fact confirmed by the daily events in schools and colleges. The newspapers are full of reports about the unrest and indiscipline among the students fully. It is one of the serious problems faced by the country. Students go on strike, they resort to copying and cheating on the test, insult their teachers and principals. They tear pages out of library books or pictures from the magazines to write dirty things on the wallsetc. and indulge in many other kinds of mischief. They clash with police, throwing stones and bricks at them and practice of violence at any pretext.

Such widespread unrest and indiscipline among the students, the prevailing indiscipline, lawlessness and frustration in the society. The pupils alone are not to blame. It is too much political interference in schools and educational institutions. The students are misled and abused by various political parties to serve theirselfish. The bookings, appointments, transfers, etc., in schools, colleges and universities are not made on merit, but also other considerations. Corruption and nepotism in these temples of learning on the agenda.

The teachers themselves are damaged. They have become greedy and run after illegal means to make a fast buck. They do not inspire confidence, hope and honesty among students. Indulge in dirty politics and can stoop to any depth in order to have money. Therefore, there is a crisis ofCharacter. Students have no role models to follow. Students find themselves groping in the dark. The cable and TV boom and the influence of Western ideas and culture have worsened the situation further. The rapid disintegration of families has also contributed to the growing indiscipline among students. There is neither nature nor values, nor the morality in society. Students imitate their parents, teachers, leaders and elders and to behave accordingly.

The training taught in schools andUniversities is totally irrelevant. It is not object oriented. Students fail to receive appropriate and early termination of employment after their education and training. There is favoritism and nepotism in employment. You have a lot of money to pay back as his bride, even a modest job. To get students with resources and recommendations of all the good jobs. Reservation of jobs for certain groups of students has worsened the situation. The credit has been marginalized.

Therefore,Students feel betrayed frustrated and disillusioned. When no hope and jobs, they become very restless and treat yourself to all sorts of indiscipline. There are no proper guidance, advice, etc., in relation to the selection of courses of study and career choices. As a result of all this wasted too much of their energy, time and resources and they become victims of indecision. This leads to more and aimlessness.

The classes are overcrowded. There is no personal contact between teachers andStudents. It's too much pressure on students, because they are always expected to score excellent grades. The system of testing is also very poor. It promotes the copying firm red learning and reliance on cheap market. About a month before the test result in the students themselves demonstrated in studies. For the remainder of the year, they are inactive. There are no extracurricular activities worth its name. Their energies are not used properly, and thus find expression in violence,Unrest and indiscipline. It has been rightly pointed out that an empty mind is a devil's workshop. An ideal hand is even worse.

The problem is serious, but not impossible to verify them. It is the duty of the leaders, educators and teachers to the problem be addressed immediately. There should be no political interference in the running of schools, etc. of the entire education system should have moved and oriented-made jobs. It should be connected with the industry. Teachers should be betterSalaries and allowances. They should be held accountable and responsible for the results and the progress of the students among them. There should be no schools without adequate facilities for games and sports. More attention should be paid to the character building, moral education and extracurricular activities. Growing indiscipline and unrest among the students is a great danger to our society and with the cooperation of all must be checked. The union elections in schools and universities should not be allowedbe conducted on political lines. You need only work as educational associations. The classes and sections should not be repressed. Only teachers with the merits and good characters, who are appointed in the schools. The privatization of schools should also be encouraged. It should be spent more money on education, especially in primary education. It should be liberal and more scholarships for needy and deserving students.

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