วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Freeing the Parents of Adult Alcoholics and Addicts

The conversation started easily enough, "My brother is bleeding our parents in the poor house with his endless demands for money - money to support his addiction - and they do not seem able to stop it to him, even if he is not more become. What can we do? "

Or we hear from the parents themselves, "How can I stop my spouse so, our adult daughter only money she spends to get alcohol or drugs?" Their promises are worthless, and the demands are endless. "

It is not aUncommon condition. Parents are living longer, some adult children make childishness a career, and it is not easy to say no to a son or daughter, regardless of their age. Then add in the grandchildren, hostages for ransom, as your child was in essence you are blackmailed into supporting their drug and / or alcohol abuse, "Give me money or I will kill myself", or "starved" , or "we are on the streets" is the implied or actual threat, but the money does not do well.

As parentsto surrender even if you destroy your own precarious financial security. You hand over cash, even though you know that it useless to ask, and often if your child's problem, something that you created. You post bail, buy cars, pay rent, doctors 'and lawyers' fees and for the treatment that they rarely pay by and see that normally do not work, even if they do. Benefit fund to cover the grandson disappear without any benefit. The cycle continues until someone dies, or it is not everythingto blackmail the left. It seems like the only choice.

But is it?

Although it is toughness, which is hard to aggregate and support, which lasts even harder to find, there are alternatives. It means finding the courage to face reality without understandable swept away by emotions. Managing this means overcoming a lot of mythology.

The destructive belief that most of us has at one time or another place that alcohol and drug abuse is an incurable disease, the addict or thealcoholic has no control. Believe this, how can a mother deny assistance to a sick child? This is the lever that use any active drunk and junkie - and many "Restore" ones as well - in order to control them all is: "I am not my fault, and if you do not have the money, I'll die."

The problem is that drug and alcohol abuse, dependence and addiction, not really diseases, they have to choose from - choice of alcoholic and addicted to and continue. These decisions can not be done, but asUnless you are financially supporting them, protecting them from the consequences of their decisions and behavior, why should they change?

The answer is that they will not go.

The majority of us want to go if someone else would our lives change. The reality is that we can not change anyone but ourselves, it may not seem much, but sometimes it is enough. If you change the way you are forced to with your adult children too, to change. As they do not changepredictable, but it will change.

These reactive changes are the hard part. First, they are likely to escalate their aggressive behavior to help you return to the old status quo, no matter how awful it really was something for everyone. That the use of children will get to cover.

And what about the grandchildren?

This is where the need for support comes in. It is hard against the drunk or druggie, if no restrictions on what they have to say or do.Follow Endless promises, threats and blame, any interruption of cash flow. You want to believe the promises, you will succumb to the dangers, or cave in the debt that the debt on dredging, no matter how real or ridiculous. But you must remain steadfast.

How are you going to do what you know is right when everything seems stacked against you?

First, it is necessary to take into account what you already know will always your child dry and you bleed out into the street before theystops you use. They also know that the continuation of not benefit your grandchildren. That is a fact. Detention. Cut them out and they can decide, in fact, die rather than clean up. Instead, they begin to be ready to taper means of support in return for demonstrable progress in rehabilitation plan - and, either the grandchildren or let to someone else. Make arrangements or contact the child or both. Discover the possibilities.

Second, they can clean up ifthey are sufficiently motivated and the treatment mode is chosen carefully. That is a bit of a problem, of course. Almost all forms of treatment in the U.S. have success rates of less than 10% over two years. AA itself reported a 95% drop out rate in the first year, and most of the treatment is based on AA.

Thirdly, it really is ok to save himself and the rest of the family. An almost universally overlooked aspect of the relationship between elderly parents of adult children is addictive, that thefunding actually awarded to punish the child for their self-destructive decisions and behaviors, while parents, other children and grandchildren. What nonsense is this?

So what's a parent to do?

Note that not put you in the madness of the world of addicted child. You can stay clear and not all of the usual "powerlessness sucked down" and "disease" model of ad copy, which only serves to perpetuate and justify use of addiction-based.Drug and alcohol abuse, dependence and addiction are just a selection. Sometimes, the choice makes sense, sometimes it's random, and sometimes it's crept up so slowly that nobody noticed for a long time, but it's still a choice. So clean up.

They provide help to sober. It is difficult to find an effective treatment, but they can also organize a variety of options for customers, a diverse staff are not looking for ( "Restore" individuals dominated), aftercare, which is not limited,Visitor recreation groups, and focusing on the customer strengths, interests and future activities - not about the past, on alcohol consumption and the use or helplessness. Note that the most frequent cause of relapse, the belief in the impotence. Avoid any program that is faith that makes part of their philosophy.

Start reward yourself and your family for achievement and success, not for decisions and destructive habits and behaviors. You may not be capable of a son or daughter deterdestroy itself, but not you and the rest of the family to go with them.
Finally, it is good to get competent help in this process. You need to know, regardless of the outcome that we have done everything possible, given every opportunity and examined all the options. The process of really help an adult child is difficult at best and results, regardless of advertising texts, are very uncertain. Give yourself, your child is troubled, and the rest of the family, the benefitsthe best opportunities and support available.

Your addicted adult child is still an adult and is still their own decisions, which may be one of their own destruction. You can encourage and support other results, but not through the financing of substance abuse. Do not be guilt driven, blackmailed or intimidated in perpetuating the problem.

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