วันศุกร์ที่ 1 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

India Needs A President Like Us President

Is it time for India to switch over to presidential form of government?
India calls for political leaders vessel, with a vision that looks across caste, communal and regional politics.
Indian political leadership should focus on good governance, harnessing the skills of people and resources.

Equipped with massive human resource talent and enormous natural resources, India could be much more than that, has achieved what they have achieved so far. But unfortunately India is aLand of contradictions. India has nuclear weapons, warships, big army, a large IT talent and skilled labor force, but India is also room for millions and millions of people who have no access to clean drinking water, adequate health care, adequate housing and social security. India continued when the equality is far away on the basis of merit. In the field of Human Development Index India is still a lot to catch up. India with a billion + population is not even apermanent member of the Security Council, which speaks from the failure of the governance system.

One of the factors responsible for the underdevelopment despite the immense human and natural resources has been decided to administer the system that the country after independence, in which members of the European Parliament election of prime minister in the cabinet head.
The political parties in India are always busy to protect or hijacking the vote banks, little concerned with good governance. Hold on to power is the key toConcerns of political parties rather than good governance and improving the lot of the people great. The system has been damaged so much that only a few competent people enter the political arena.
Lately, things have deteriorated a lot with the coalition governments are the order of the day. The political pressures to remain in power or gain too much power to political parties in elections, unholy alliances, wobbly. Governance has been given a go bye.
ParliamentaryDemocracy does not guarantee to fruits of the population and the poor governance in the following situations resulted
1. Regional policy: India has more at regional level divided today. There are many parties to stir up feelings of regional and vociferously for the further division of the country in ever more countries. The ulterior motive of the regional forces are gaining power. For them, the states are still divided important than improving the living conditions of people. Due to politicalAppropriateness, including the major parties commit to back with regional parties to power in the middle, or do not meet in the States but their ideals.
2. Caste politics: Most of the political parties by the caste card to survive in the selection of candidates for the elections and the appointment of successful candidates of the ministries on the basis of their caste affiliation than any other value. To become a caste is a limit factor in India and the political parties areforced to keep the caste primacy in governance there by making the quality of governance.
3. Politics: Political parties are in work in time for the profit-establish the confidence of the minority. They feel that the game is against the religious card and get a lot easier than looking to earn votes. Since they are regular bank reconciliations of all parties to play the religious card.
4. The conflicting interests of political parties, parliamentary procedure often marand the time is wasted in the end less debate, boycotts, strikes or any question on each.

By switching to presidential form of government the people will not know before hand, in whose hands their fate is safe and may vote on the basis of the merit of the presidential candidates.
With the executive branch in his hand, a suitable and competent person to focus on good governance and to solve the problems of people with a vision of a non-partisan politics plays sword of Damocles "impairedover his head. Can with a proper vision of what a president right direction to provide governance, with regard to caste, regional, religious consideration. Presidential candidates may seek votes on the strength of its poles promises and merit. Parliament is to act as a watchdog and effectively control the abuse of power and ensure good governance. Such a form of governance is freely against the ruling establishment, from its focus on the survival in power and can give the person chosen to ensure goodGovernance. Presidential government gives the choice to choose the president, his cabinet on merit instead of regional, caste or religious basis.
Presidential form of government is well suited for a large country like India and with the right vision of the President of India may soon drive into the society of nations, claiming its rightful place.
How clever elected governors in the states, the State will also promote better governance of charge.
, That the Union and the states canProsperity with the right climate and the right policies, which are the need of the hour. Effective governance system to improve the delivery of aid to the needy and public expenditures more accountable.
Only when India offers affordable health, clean drinking water and must be adequate protection of his many millions and attacks the problem of unemployment effectively it qualifies for the right place in the community of nations and to achieve this, India, to a system of governance Switch ,Bridge across the divide within the caste, communal, regional basis and give the population a feeling of a ness and to improve the lot of the common man.
A serious debate about the necessity of the issue to start. Instead is the balm for a person who suffers daily is not it better to treat the disease, cures the symptoms of the disease. With the right governance may force India to realize fully the use of human resources and natural resource potential and take their rightful place in the community ofNations.

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